
PARIS -HACK YOUR SUCCESS- Digital Innovation Forum on October 4-5 in PARIS

Hub Forum PARIS 2016

Perle BAGOT, Emmanuel VIVIER and Vincent DUCREY (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
Emmanuel VIVIER
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
USPA NEWS - Was organized October 4-5, at 'La Maison de la Mutualité' a two-day Hub Forum on the Digital Innovation, it was the Seventh Edition. During those two days, Conferences, Workshops, Stands were offered on several floors. All the activities putting ahead big companies and successful leaders....
Was organized October 4-5, at 'La Maison de la Mutualité' a two-day Hub Forum on the Digital Innovation, it was the Seventh Edition. During those two days, Conferences, Workshops, Stands were offered on several floors. All the activities putting ahead big companies and successful leaders.

The themes and debates were animated by : Vincent DUCREY, Emmanuel VIVIER and Perle BAGOT.

OCTOBER 4, 2016 :

- Up to where the customer's experience will reinvent the Marketing ?

* 2017 Digital Transformation - Inspirational Keynote - Messenger : towards a customer's experience more spontaneous and personal - Bots, cognitives services, onboard reality, new types of interaction with customers - Messengers & chatbots : feedbacks of experiences...
* Transforming the company by the customer's experience - Cross device, the path multiple client - business case : when the client's experience transforms the international organization of the company - Mobility, live geolocalization : how Waze reinforces the client's experience

* Live, video and creativity - Business case : Data serving creativity - Keys for success of 'Brandformance' - Transparency of Digital campaigns : will you stay in the dark 2 - Cdiscount and Criteo : The Made in France attacking the international e-commerce - Cases of Nissan Juke & Quantcast : always more powerful targeting with Data research
Sébastien BAZIN Groupe Accor
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
* Inspirational Keynote : When Insurance companies hack its transformation - Youtube Lab : an experience 'Hands-on' to answer to the new habits of consuming video - multi-device, multi-tasking : how to persuade customers over sought ? - Data centricity : from mass medi to local media

OCTOBER 5, 2016

- Data, Customer Relationship Management and programmatic : to rethink your relationship with customers

* Talents, live and digital - to push today's consumer into digital's world - Reinvent customer's relationship : Data, key to loyalty and engagement - Implementation & profitability for a DMP solution (medical Personal File) - Made shine your comercials with ease
* CRM onboarding serving the unified client's experience - Predictive analytic : myth & reality for the marketers - The decision for omnicanal at Darty - Digital Commercials : the return of values - Orange success equation : open innovation, customer experience & human inside

- Facing innovation and disruption : priority to the transformation

* Inclusive communication, what are we talking about ? - Focus on Asia : consumer's insight as the engine of transformation - How to fight the digital fraud & optimize own media investments ? - Reinvent the game experience - How to help the rebirth of a brand to gain new market segments
Jacques-Olivier BRONER - HOPSCOTCH
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
* Hack your car ! - Data, Management & innovation : the constant Chief Marketing Officer's Challenge - When Africa hacks innovation...

* Conclusion

Source : HubForum on October 4-5, 2016 at 'La Maison de la Mutualité' in PARIS - Hack Your Success !

Yasmina BEDDOU
Liability for this article lies with the author, who also holds the copyright. Editorial content from USPA may be quoted on other websites as long as the quote comprises no more than 5% of the entire text, is marked as such and the source is named (via hyperlink).