


Ministers Vallaud Belkacem & Cazeneuve Le Foll (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Ministers Vallaud Belkacem & Cazeneuve
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Minister of Education, Najat “‹“‹Vallaud Belkacem, introduced the conference "Safe Schools" alongside Stephane Le Foll, with Bernard Cazeneuve Minister of the Interior. "This is the first time we hold a conference and a partnership.
French Ministers Vallad Belkacem & Cazeneuve
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
REINFORCEMENT OF SECURITY POLICIES SINCE THE ATTACKS OF 2015-------------------------------------------------- Security is an issue on which we work together for a while and so on the safety of students and children and families. Our goal is to work for s improve on Fort Axis attacks in 2015.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Regarding the threat we have a" requirement Duty to face things dene not fall into the paranoia or panic because the risks are very high. The meaning of instructions from the Rectors and Prefects and went in the sense of the framework agreement that we sign today, "concludes the Minister; National Education, Najat “‹“‹Vallaud Belkacem.----------------------------------------------- The Minster of Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, then explains that "Back to school is a major event crucible of the Republic. Even though we have changed time and even if the time of the instruction is behind us it is important 'retract fundamentals. the threats to our country are complex and diffuse, and from outside just as our country expanded the target of our country, criminalising recent events. He added that "the codes are not immune to this threat "and" that it must bear the preventive guidelines and major sentries and I stress the gratitude of police and rescue of French. We will also highlight the resilience of the country, such as public people at all levels, has all contexts and levels. "In addition to reassuring the manner vis a vis civil society and forces of the country that sees united around a national threat and strong".
French Ministers Vallad Belkacem & Cazeneuve
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE TWO MINISTRIES ARE COMMITTED BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT FORMING THE STAFF WHEN FACING THE ATTACKS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two ministries of National Education and Interior a "Deepen Partnership involving students and teachers and all staff.This is to ramp up staffing to ensure an atmosphere of serenity Thus the State has already taken specific steps since November, 2015 and 2016 and strengthen also on July relief in schools under the authority of police commissioners and educational assistant. A guide has been published, about measures and greater vigilance has been published and will be distributed to schools in accordance with the Flyers early 2015, the so-called effective terrorist context for parents and students. All prefects, receive for their part, only one school space to coordinate a coproduction effective security with local collectivities.' Explain the two ministers Najet Vallaud Belkacem and Bernard Cazeneuve.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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