
Franz Ackerman exhibits a 3D virtual Mix of architecture & Modern Art

First Time at Daniel Templon Galerie

Franz Ackerman Former City Center (Source: Courtesy Paolo VAndraschi)
Temple Gallery logo
(Source: Courtesy Templon gallery)
USPA NEWS - Franz Ackemann is exhibiting a spectacular new show in Paris with this 3D virtual visit and artist's interview at
Galerie Daniel Templon. This Gallery is holding his first Paris exhibition of paintings by German artist Franz Ackermann, whose work is complex and exuberant.
Franz Ackerman Busy Harbour
Source: Courtesy Paolo Vandraschi
Franz Ackemann is exhibiting a spectacular new show in Paris with this 3D virtual visit and artist's interview at Galerie Daniel Templon. This Gallery is holding his first Paris exhibition of paintings by German artist Franz Ackermann, whose complex and exuberant work is rooted in the concepts of geography and migration. Franz Ackerman is an artist very much in tune with his era, Ackermann seeks to chronicle new urban realities and the ways in which they are perceived, at a time when both realities and perceptions are driven by ceaseless flows of tourists and information. His monumental paintings take the form of large exploded views that combine architectural elements with numerous Modernist references and abstract shapes in a burst of colours and materials.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANZ ACKERMAN CREATED LARG SCALE DYNAMIC INSTALLATION AND “MENTAL MAPS“------------------ Franz Ackermann makes exuberant paintings and installations centred on themes of travel, tourism, globalisation and urbanism. 'Mental Maps', his first major series, were produced during a stay in Hong Kong. Combining the factual precision of traditional street maps with his own interpretation of the local environment, these small watercolours documented the artist´s perception of the great cities of Asia, South America and Australia. Ackermann has since created large-scale dynamic installations that are built up from individual components comprising paintings, drawings, photographs, wall drawings and sculptural, billboard-like constructions. His work frequently deals with the double side of tourism ““ the glamour, speed and consumption of international travel but also the detritus, architectural scarring and garbage that it leaves behind, and his installations often take on the appearance of strange advertisements for a global tourism industry run amok. The places he depicts have a generic quality, and yet they look strangely familiar: non-places where the traveller´s desire replaces the local culture. His exhibition, “˜Home, home again' (2006) brought together a series of large-scale paintings, drawings and sculptures that focus on London as their point of departure. Ackermann presented a large-scale drawing that provides a metaphorical link between his ongoing “˜Mental Map´ series ““ watercolours made while on the move in hotels around the world ““ and his paintings, constructed from memory in the studio.
Franz Ackerman
Source: Courtesy Paolo Vandraschi
Franz Ackermann was born in 1963 IN Neumarkt St Veit, Germany, and lives and works in Berlin. He divides his working time between three studios, in Berlin, Kalsruhe and Istanbul. His work has been widely exhibited internationally, including at the Castello di Rivoli (Turin) in 2000, Whitney Museum of Modern Art and Museum of Modern Art (New York) as well as the Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2005, Mori Art Museum (Tokyo) and Neue Nationalgalerie (Berlin) in 2006, and Tate Triennial (London) in 2009. His work has also appeared regularly in France: in 2003 at the Palais de Tokyo and 2004 at the Maison Rouge, both in Paris, and in 2005 at the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne in Reims.------------------------------------------ FRANZ ACKERMAN IS A MAJOR ACTOR OF MODERN ART EXHIBITING WORLDWIDE--------------------------------- Franz Ackermann has exhibited extensively internationally, including solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (2014), Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2013), Faena Arts Center, Buenos Aires (2012), Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn (2009), Kunstmuseum St Gallen (2008), Irish Museum of Modern Art (2005), Kunsthalle Basel (2002), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2002), Castello di Rivoli, Turin (2000) and Portikus Frankfurt am Main, Germany (1997). Important group exhibitions include Altermodern: Tate Triennial (2009), Tokyo-Berlin / Berlin-Tokyo, Mori Art Museum and Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2006), Biennale d´art contemporain de Lyon, Remote Viewing (Invented Worlds in Recent Painting and Drawing), Whitney Museum of American Art, New York and Drawing from the Modern, 1975““2005, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2005). The Berlinische Galerie Museum of Modern Art, the Folkwang Museum in Essen (2013) and Staat­li­che Kunst­hal­le in Karls­ru­he (2014) have recently held major solo exhibitions of his work.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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