
The King of Spain begins the process towards early elections

Get the list for consultations

The King Philip VI and Patxi Lopez
(Source: Spanish Royal House)
King Philip VI received Thursday from the President of the Spanish Parliament the list of representatives appointed by the political groups to hold further consultations on April 25 and 26, in order to know if a candidate for President of the Government has sufficient parliamentary support.
King received in audience the President of the Congress of Deputies, Patxi Lopez, who gave the monarch the list of representatives appointed by the political groups with parliamentary representation for further consultations. In total, fourteen are spokespersons who will meet with the King, all represented in the Spanish Parliament except the Catalans and Basques Republicans. The purpose of consultation is to ascertain whether the provision that transferred the representatives of the political groups with parliamentary representation, the King may propose a candidate for President of the Government to have the necessary support for the Congress of Deputies will give confidence.
Or, in the absence of a proposed candidate, proceed to the dissolution of both Houses and call for new general elections to be held on June 26. In this connection, the president of Citizens, Albert Rivera, proposed on Thursday the formation of a coalition Government between the conservative Popular Party, the Socialist Party and Citizens, but chaired by an independent. The proposal was immediately rejected by the Socialist candidate, Pedro Sanchez, who said that Spain does not need a technocrat president but a Government of progress and with heart, capable of promoting social change.
Sanchez also rejected the offer again acting President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, to negotiate a coalition Government between socialists and conservatives. Rajoy reiterated its offer through Tweeter, but later in informal chat with reporters, admitted that he has thrown in the towel and announced that Tuesday will inform the King that does not have the support needed to be invested.
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