


Terrorism logo (Source: career.inda)
Salah Abdeslam Wanted arrested
(Source: French National Police)
USPA NEWS - The Belgian Federal judicial authorities, announced the arrest of Salah Abdeslam yesterday at Molenbeeck at 4.40pm. A press conference was held yesterday to announce and confirm the, the most human wanted man in Europe, involved in the attacks of 13 November in Paris that killed 130 people.
Belgian and French Police Cooperation
Source: Courtesy French PM
PRESS CONFERENCE OF BELGIAN JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES ANNOUNCING SALAM ABDELSAM"S ARREST---- The prosecutor Thierry Werts and other members of the Belgian parquet held her evening press conference to announce and confirm the arrest of Salah Abdeslam, the most human research in Europe, since the attacks of 13 November in Paris . After months on the run, the accomplice of the bombers who killed 130 people in France, was captured and Amine Choukri, a street of the four winds by the Belgian special forces.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salah Abdeslam and Amine Choukri were staying after A. Abid, Siham A. Jamal and A, all arrested yesterday a16h40 in this apartment from the street "four winds" of Molenbeeck district of Brussels. Amine Choukri seems to correspond to an alias because this individual had been confronted by analysing his fingerprints found in Ulm, Germany, last year, at dun control. He holds a both an identity card has the name and a false passport in the name of Mounir Abdelarrah.----------------------------- French President, Hollande spoke immediately afterwards about his arrest he deemed "important but not definitive" and requested the extradition of Salah Abdeslam, to face trial in France. Indeed many searches are still going on in this same district or Moleenbeck of all came the perpetrators of Black Friday in Paris.------------------------------------------------------------ not great operation of searches are performed a "Monestraat," "Overlay", and Street of "Quatre Vents".---------------------------- Representatives of not wished Belgian judicial authorities to give details of benefit to do no harm to the ongoing investigation. The prosecutor said all the same that the defendant was wounded in the knee, and was taken to the hospital and his compere there to be treated before being placed in custody.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- He then congratulated the Federal Special Police associated to the police for this "remarkable" operation and the media who have given their right of reservation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salah Abdeslam, the only survivor of this tragedy many of November 13, 2015, who had escaped several times to police checks, was finally apprehended. The French parents of the 130 civilian victims, and the French authorities in particular are hoping Salah Abdeslam can be interviewed and tell what really happened and justify his flight. Does he speak? Case to follow ... See article : ABDELHAMID ABAAOUD IS DEAD AND SALEH ABDESLAM STILL ON THE RUN ACTIVELY WANTED B- TERRORISTS OF PARIS ATTACKS BLACK FRIDAY - See more at: http://www.aviomediachannel.uspa24.com/bericht-6523/abdelhamid-abaaoud-is-dead-and-saleh-abdeslam-still-on-the-run-actively-wanted-b.html#sthash.4W7ZvIPS.dpuf See also article : HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND SAID KAMIKAZE WOMAN DURING ASSAUT ST DENIS BEFORE BLOW UP COUSIN OF ABAAOUD LEADER TERRORIST - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-6524/he-is-not-my-boyfriend-said-kamikaze-woman-during-assaut-st-denis-before-blow-up.html#sthash.NYdTGuWI.dpuf See article : THE FIRST WOMAN KAMIKAZE IN FRANCE IS DEAD DURING SAINT DENIS ASSAULT HER NAME IS HASNA AIT BOU LAHCEN - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-6522/-the-first-woman-kamikaze-in-france-is-dead-during-saint-denis-assault.html#sthash.HOc5veKZ.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft

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