


Appointment Ceremony Jean Marc Ayrault (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Appointment Ceremony Jean Marc Ayrault
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Jean-Marc Ayrault was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, following the departure of Laurent Fabius, as he was himself appointed by the president Hollande, to chair the Constitutional Council. The ceremony for the award, was sober and friendly February 12, at the "Quai D'Orsay," Foreign Ministry
Appointment Ceremony Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
CONFIDENCES OF LAURENT FABIUS BEFORE HE ENTRUST THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO JEAN MARC AYRAULT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"We had four main objectives for France when I arrived in this House.Regarding the COP21, the object was achieved since that hammer blow in last December, that became, the emblem of diplomacy practice, since the signing of agreement for COP21. As for the rest of Europe the problem remains. As for the Middle East, we could not be everywhere at the same time to solve all conflicts. Started Larent Fabius, as resuming his 4 years spending at Foreign Affairs Ministry. Then he recalled the that period : THIS IS IT NOW ! Says Laurent Fabius by introducing the new Foreign Minister of Affairs--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The year 2016 will be special, with the arrival of Jean Marc Ayrault is a convinced European who will take the initiative and influence of France was assured and preserved in this house. He was held by foreign trade, tourism and development and Francophone reaffirmation because we worked well even if we still want a broad dialogue and the roadmap is drawn to let go the oar business my friend Jean Marc Ayrault.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It would be immodest of take stock today, although some critics have already emerged to celebrate this diplomatic balance after those 4 years, spent in this house (The “Quai D'Orsay“, means the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). While it is true that we have not been able to solve the conflicts of the Middle East, and that France can not be everywhere or where there are even a conflict, although our involvement was high and wide, for instance in Mali, Sahel in Africa, Ukraine, and then in Syria. And then, we had this charge and responsible for preserving the planet, and we embarked on the adventure of organizing the COP21. We managed to face this new challenge and end a historic agreement for the planet.------------------- we all did with the factual and new secretaries of state who join the team. I thank you all for your dedication jurisdiction absolutely exceptional sense of public service.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been accused for introducing the service and trade at the diplomacy and I said the Quai d'Orsay is a good retirement. it is not really accurate picture of what I had said. (Laughs).“ Laurent Fabius continues.
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
COP21 Agreement Le Bourget Paris
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
A RARE CONVENTIONAL CEREMONY BUT VERY CONVIVIAL WITHIN A MAGNIFICENT BUILDING--------------Laurent Fabius seems very relaxed and happy to pass the baton to Jean-Marc Ayrault, who seem to know well each other since their parliament course in politics for years and seem to like each other. Laurent Fabius even made some humour confessing his big requirement default ... and few confessions on his own personality, usually very discreet, about himself. But this ceremony is both important but also very symbolic that it leads to some relaxations. “Some say, about me "to be demanding", but in diplomatic language this has meant much but it means that France must always best to requirement and not stony heart. If I understand well I will become wise according to the rumour has decreed that monitored day and night but the same work will serve all my life and face the State. Younger I directed the administrations of France but I had the impression that it lacks direct this home and this is finally the one I miss the most and I'm not mistaken (Emotion, Laughs). I led the French diplomacy with great pride and happiness I wish my dear Jean Marc to have as much happiness in this house, your turn.“---------------------------------------------------------- This ceremony is a little and rare moment at once delicate and highly symbolic, since Jean-Marc Ayrault was Prime Minister when Laurent Fabius in 2012, was appointed to the government, and that ironically, Laurent Fabius had himself been appointed as Prime Minister in 1981, under the presidency of Francois Mitterrand ... the story is now complete by this ironic parenthesis provoked by chance of appointments. But one well knows that there's more calculation than of chance in politics. Jean-Marc Ayrault, a former professor of German language masters perfectly this language and culture, (as well as English), which will facilitate him during talks with Chancelor Angela Merkel and other counterparts to negotiate the conflict in Ukraine towards a peaceful solution, particularly through the "Normandy format" a model of diplomacy dear to President Hollande. To be continued in next article.
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Appointment Jean Marc Ayrault
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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