
Socialists communicates Rajoy does not support its continuity as Prime Minister

Announces they will seek a pact left

(Source: Pool Moncloa)
(Source: Pool Moncloa)
USPA NEWS - The Socialist Party believes that Spain needs a change of Government and that the outcome of the legislative elections held on Sunday confirms this. Therefore, it will not support the continuity of Mariano Rajoy, conservative, as Prime Minister.
Said so on Wednesday the secretary general of the Socialist Party (PSOE), Pedro Sanchez, in the Palace of Moncloa, the Prime Minister and candidate for reelection, with whom he met at the request of Rajoy, to discuss the complicated political situation have left the polls. The meeting lasted only 40 minutes because the socialist leader, Rajoy informed that the Socialists will vote against his investiture, while try to occupy the presidency of Parliament. Later, at a press conference, Sanchez said he did not want the elections to be repeated and that commitment to be a strong and capable of carrying out the reforms that raised the PSOE Government in Spain.
The most important of the reforms are a profound constitutional change, that Pedro Sanchez identified as the solution to the Catalan independence; the repeal of the labor reform, recovery of social rights, the assumption of a pact on education and acceptance of the right to decide on the regions. In this regard, the Socialist secretary general warned the Catalans and Basques will not support the independence of any territory nationalists.
Sanchez believes that the next Spanish Government must be socialist, but he would not talk, at least to journalists, think of how to get 90 deputies in favor and at least 232 against: 123 of the conservative Popular Party, 40 of centrist Citizens and 69 of the populist Podemos, that does not accept the socialist leader as head of Government. When set against the independence of Catalonia, it is not expected to have the support of the 23 deputies who joined the Catalan independents and Basque nationalists. Despite that, Pedro Sanchez announced he will try to reach a grand pact with the other political forces.
From the conservative Popular Party they was criticized the socialist leader attitude. The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said Pedro Sanchez attended the determined to oppose any appointment, so that there was no talk "of any of the issues of concern to the Spanish." A spokesman for the Popular Party said after that Pedro Sanchez's attitude was "expected" and said they are still at the beginning of a negotiation process that can evolve in the coming weeks. Rajoy will receive on Monday the leaders of Citizens and Podemos.
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