


Banner Campaign COP 21 (Source: Courtesy of Laurent Fabius President COP21)
L Fabius and S Royal Quai Orsay
(Source: Courtesy of Laurent Fabius)
USPA NEWS - From November 30 to December 11, at the Paris Air France hosts the 21st UN Conference on Climate Change, COP 21, "I will have the responsibility of chairing. It will be a one of a kind conference". French Minister fo Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius, said.
Banner Campaign COP21
Source: Courtesy of Laurent Fabius
CONTEXT OF THE COP21 PREPARATION AND LEGITIMACY OF PRESIDENCY OF LAURENT FABIUS------------- From November 30 to December 11, at the Paris Air France hosts the 21st UN Conference on Climate Change, COP 21, “I will have the responsibility of chairing. It will be a one of a kind conference. First, by its extent: it will constitute the largest international meeting ever organised in France, with nearly 40,000 participants expected. Then by its stake, which is not only important, but vital for humanity - literally vital.“ French Minister fo Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius, said. -----------------------------------------------------------------For over two years, Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, has struggled to make possible the COP21 in Paris. That was not an easy challenge to undertake after the failure of the previous COP in Copenhagen...After many negotiations and of persuasion, Laurent Fabius leads this mission that takes him to the heart, not only because it involves the extensive action by the diplomacy, but also and especially because "The Planet is in our hands" and "7 Billion inhabitants and one Planet", as emphasised the slogans of this campaign launched in Paris, from November 6. The challenge of protecting the planet through the preservation of biodiversity, fauna and flora as well as the fight against global warming, due to the greenhouse effect, is not only universal but it becomes vital. The negotiations, and domestic policies are henceforth set aside, because the urgent priority is to succeed in this COP21 and to pass the majority of countries and to ensure that promises are kept element, both ethically, morally, economically and financially.-------------------- So from on now, the campaign is launched by Laurent Fabius, officially the president of the COP21, despite hesitations and vacillations as to clarifying this responsibility. It is henceforth logical by the approach initiated by Laurent Fabius, who returns to the legitimacy of this mission, conducted by the service of the French diplomacy, and announced, then "validated" in the last few weeks by Ban Khi Moon during his visit, invited by Laurent Fabius, "The week of ambassadors".
Banner Campaign COP21
Source: Courtesy of Laurent Fabius
See also Article : QUESTION TO UN SECRETARY GENERAL BAN KI MOON WHILE VISITING PARIS IN PREAMBLE OF COP21 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5121/question-to-un-secretary-general-ban-ki-moon-while-visiting-paris.html#sthash.wPqtBlaZ.dpuf------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COP21 IS “ A UNIVERSAL RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK“ SAID LAURENT FABIUS---------------------------------- "During these twelve days, 195 nations will be gathered on the Paris site. Our objective will be to reach an ambitious global agreement, to limit to 2 ° C or 1.5 if possible, the global warming by 2100. The discussions we will carry will be the culmination of many months of work, negotiation, mobilisation. Many advances have already occurred. But much remains to be done to get the necessary 11 December success.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not a diplomatic negotiation like the others, we could defer without major consequences. This is a universal race against time: greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere remain there for years, decades, even centuries, with irreversible consequences. We must halt the current spiral of climate deregulated by men, whose effects concern not only the environment but also the health, development and, ultimately, security and peace. We must act now because later it will be too late." Laurent Fabius commented, accordingly to the COP21 campaign.------------------------------------------------------------------------ “The campaign we are launching today should help educate the wider public to these issues. This campaign underlines the urgency and seriousness of the threat, but it also shows that the mobilisation for our planet is a chance for humanity. Beyond the economic aspect - the green transition is carrier growth and jobs - a universal agreement in Paris embody positive values that are called solidarity, justice, fraternity, gathering responsibility generations future. To achieve this, the mobilisation of all is essential. This is what this campaign is to contribute.“ concludes Laurent Fabius.--------------------------------------------------- See also Article :LAURENT FABIUS INVITES UN SECRETARY BAN KI MOON TO TALK TO THE FRENCH DIPLOMACY FABIUS WILL BE PRESIDENT OF COP21 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5120/laurent-fabius-invites-un-secretary-ban-ki-moon-to-talk-to-the-french-diplomacy.html#sthash.IUf0wPBo.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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