
King Philip VI ensures the commitment of Spain with Europe

First speech in the European Parliament

(Source: House of H.M. the King of Spain)
USPA NEWS - "No one can conceive Spain without Europe or Europe without Spain." So he was said Wednesday before the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg the King of Spain, Philip VI, in his first speech in the EP.
"We must send a strong and unequivocal that social problems are at the heart of the European integration project sign," said the monarch, who devoted part of his speech to discuss the problem of refugees. Regarding this matter, Philip VI urged MEPs to respond decisively to the "heartbreaking suffering" of the refugees arriving in the EU, which "can not fail". As firmly he claimed to European citizens who still bear the consequences of the economic crisis.
Current events show that Europe is changing. It is necessary, said the King of Spain, to build "a Europe renewed for a new era in a different world." In this project, he said, Spain is firmly committed. He assured MEPs that can "count on a loyal and responsible Spain towards Europe, united and proud of its diversity, supportive and respectful of the rule of law project".
To the full, Philip VI declared himself "profoundly European" and stressed "the deep European identity" of Spain. For his part, President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, who received the King on his arrival in the Parliament, considered his speech to the timely plenary, as this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the Accession Treaty is celebrated in the European communities. "It was a very big success," said the president, adding that in these difficult times, "the EU needs more than ever to Spain".
Recognizing that Spain has received much of the Union, the King stressed the remarkable Spanish contribution to the Community project and the European construction. But he also acknowledged that recent years "have not been easy for Spain and for many other European countries." He referred to the very high rates of unemployment and the many sacrifices they had to make the Spaniards to return to the path of economic growth and job creation.
Despite the undoubted success of the European project, "nothing is won forever," said Philip VI, and pleaded not lose vision, or allow stagnate or shrink from the difficulties or challenges, which are large and require therefore, a new political impetus. He considered that the EU must have a "new ideal", a new European order to mobilize citizens for integration and unity project.
"Without a strong EU will not be effective to the problems of our respective nations solution," said Philip VI after urging progress towards a true political community strengthened, but without neglecting the principles and values that are the foundation of Europe itself: "freedom, equality, solidarity, the dignity of men and women, pluralism and the defense of human rights."
Philip VI's speech responds to the invitation made by the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, when the King of Spain visited the European Parliament last April. "There is no alternative to a united Europe," closed the monarch his speech. Wednesday was the first time that Philip VI addressed the plenary of the European Parliament and his speech was followed by a lunch with Martin Schultz and the German Chancellor Angel Merkel and the French President François Hollande.
The King of Spain in his speech
Source: House of H.M. the King of Spain
Hollande, Schultz, Philip VI and Merkel
Source: House of H.M. the King of Spain
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