


Normandy Format Flag (Source: RSR)
USPA NEWS - The President of the French Republic and the German Chancellor held talks with Ukrainian and Russian Presidents on the situation in eastern Ukraine and the implementation of the package of measures adopted in Minsk February 12, 2015.
During this phone call, many points were discussed.
Francois Hollande Angela Merkel Petro Porochenko
Source: Courtesy of Elysee
SECURITY QUESTIONS ABOUT OSCE OBSERVATION The four leaders welcomed the generally respected the cease-fire since September 1. They agreed on the need to do everything so that this situation continues and the Special Mission of the OSCE observation has a permanent, safe and unhindered access to affected areas. They particularly noted the progress made in the framework of the Minsk working group in charge of security issues. An agreement on the withdrawal of weapons of caliber less than 100mm should now be found as soon as possible and that the withdrawal of heavy weapons must be fully implemented. POLITICAL ANGLE ACCORDING TO MINSK WORKING GROUP-----------------------------------------------------------------  The four leaders welcomed the intensification of talks in the framework of the Minsk working group in charge of political issues. Concerted date must be set for the organisation of local elections in some areas of the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. The work on the modalities of the elections and the progress in favour of local autonomy must be conducted in parallel.------------------------------------------------------HUMANITARIAN ISSUES ----------------------------The President of the French Republic and the Chancellor welcomed the establishment of a humanitarian logistics center on August 28 and agreed to the need to continue this effort by the forthcoming opening of additional centres may be used for the provision of mobile banking services . They stressed the need for progress on the exchange of prisoners and to ensure free access to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The four leaders instructed their Foreign Minister, who will meet in Berlin on September 12, to continue work on these issues and prepare concrete proposals. They could be discussed at an upcoming summit at the invitation of the President of the Republic, will be held in Paris in early October. Official Statement Elysee See also article : UKRAINE HAS SIGNED WITH THE EU A BLESSING FOR A BAD LUCK- See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-2399/ukraine-has-signed-with-the-eu.html#sthash.k8nHDZqX.dpuf------------------------------- NORMANDY FORMAT IS BACK ON TABLE OF NEGOTIATING TO REACH CEASEFIRE IN UKRAINE A SUMMIT IN PARIS SOON - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5091/normandy-format-is-back-on-table-of-negotiating-to-reach-ceasefire-in-ukraine.html#sthash.wU2Y70Eo.dpuf-----------------------------------------------------------------
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