
Spain welcomes agreement on Iranian nuclear programme

Between the EU 3 more 3 Group and Iran

USPA NEWS - The Government of Spain received with great satisfaction the news of the agreement reached in Vienna between the European Union, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, the United States and Russia (the EU 3+3 Group) and Iran on the nuclear programme in that country.
The agreement lays the foundations for guaranteeing exclusively civilian aims of the Iranian nuclear programme. This considerably helps strengthen the non-proliferation system, in particular in its core aspect, the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The application of the agreement will take some time and requires the good faith and trust of the parties and of the whole of the international community. Certain demanding verification standards have been established in terms of which the International Atomic Energy Agency will play a crucial role.
Spain expresses its full disposition to collaborate in the application of the agreement and urges strict compliance therewith, considering this to be the only way to re-establish trust in the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear programme, taking into account the interests of all the States in the region. The agreement includes a progressive lifting of the sanctions imposed on Iran due to its nuclear programme. In its role as President of the 1737 Committee on the regime for sanctions on Iran, Spain will oversee the correct application of the agreement reached.
The Spanish Government trusts that the agreement will contribute to improving the situation of a region subject to profound friction and complex conflicts that are leading to tremendous suffering for the civilian population. The Government congratulates the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, and the rest of the negotiation team on the progress made in these talks.
This agreement once again shows us that diplomatic negotiations and dialogue are the only way to resolve contentious issues, particularly when looking at the complexity and scope of the international mistrust of the Iranian nuclear programme. It is only possible to restore trust through negotiations. The Government trusts that this agreement will serve to facilitate the gradual but full reincorporation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international community.
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