
Honduran Ambassador resigns after wild embassy party with prostitutes

USPA News - The Honduran Ambassador to Colombia, Carlos Humberto Rodriguez Andino, has been removed from his post after diplomats and prostitutes staged a party at the country`s embassy in the Colombian capital of Bogota, officials said on Sunday. Honduras` Exterior Relations Ministry confirmed the incident on Saturday, stating that after investigations and in order to protect the national interest of maintaining a good relationship with the Republic of Colombia, the ministry requested the resignation of Carlos Humberto Rodriguez Andino as chief of the diplomatic mission.
The ministry added that the resignation is irrevocable and will take effect immediately. In a statement issued by the embassy on Sunday, diplomatic officials confirmed that Rodriguez Andino had presented his resignation as ambassador on early Sunday morning. The incident took place on December 20 when diplomatic employees staged a wild party in the northern area of Bogota, the capital of Colombia, in the Embassy of Honduras. As a result, the embassy ended up being looted. The party was organized by Jorge Mendoza, a personal employee of Rodriguez Andino who served as his aide, bodyguard, and driver. Mendoza brought several friends and prostitutes to the embassy where the drunken party turned wild. Following the incident, computers and cellphones were missing and physical damage was done to the office. According to reports by local media, at least one laptop that went missing contained national security documents, and the next morning, when employees arrived at the embassy, several offices were found with open doors, as evidence of the party was scattered all over the embassy with beer cans and `evidence of the practice of an orgy.` In addition, feces were also found in the ambassador`s office and on Mendoza`s desk, as he did not pay the prostitutes. Mendoza was found sleeping in the laundry room. Local police forces in Colombia have been carrying out investigations in order to identify the two prostitutes that were at the party, despite Mendoza stating that they were going to manage the situation `internally.` According to Honduran laws regarding exterior services, the fact that Rodriguez allowed an individual of his own trust, Mendoza, to live at the diplomatic seat is a flagrant violation. In addition, laws also state that the workplace of the legation is only to be used for diplomatic functions, and their private lifestyle should not harm the country`s image. It is unsure whether Rodriguez Andino was present at the embassy when the party took place, as he has not made any public statements following the incident and his resignation. His stay in Colombia as ambassador lasted less than a year, as he began in March 2012.
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