
Export Activity of Spain reached the highest level since 2007

More optimistic perception of companies

USPA NEWS - The Synthetic Index of Export Activity of Spain (ISAE its acronym in Spanish) stood at +25.9 points in the first quarter, an increase of more than seven points over the previous quarter (+18,2 points). It is the highest value in the series since the first quarter of 2007 (28.0).
This increase was due to a more optimistic perception of exporting companies in the three references which measures the survey, order backlog and expectations to three and twelve months. Of the three components of ISAE, the value of the current indicator balance increased by 8 points from that recorded in the fourth quarter of last year (from 11.7 to 19.7 points). Also, the indicator of expectations to three months increased 8.1 points (from 21.1 to 29.2 points). For its part, the expectations to twelve months rose 5.7 points (from 38.5 to 44.2 points).
The evolution of external demand remains the factor greater proportion of respondents believe it is having a positive impact on export activity (48.6%). Instead, the factor that greater proportion of respondents referred to by its negative impact is the international price competition (53.5%). Two other factors discussed in the quarter and affecting export activities are export prices and profit margins. In both cases continues to strengthen the perception that have remained stable, with an upward trend this quarter.
In the first quarter, 94.6% of respondents believe that the recruitment for export-related activities remained stable or moved up. So does 94% towards the next quarter and 93.7% over the next twelve months. Moreover, 93.5% is the percentage of people stating that the dedication of the workforce in export duties has remained stable or has evolved upward in the first quarter. The balance indicator of net hiring in the quarter for export activities is 10.7 points (2.3 in the previous survey), while the forecast three months stood at 6.0 points (10.0 in the previous survey), and forecast to twelve months to 12.2 points (same value as in the previous survey).
For most of the areas of destination of exports, the value of the current indicator balance improvement over the previous quarter. The highest regards North America (23.3). Only down those relating to Asia (10.3) and Oceania (4.8). The indicator value balance of export prospects three months improved significantly for destinations in North America (31.7) and Latin America (27.1), and descends to the fate of the euro area (18.3) , European countries other than EU-28 (7.2) and Oceania (16.4). In the long term, countries that a greater proportion of Spanish exporters considers its main destinations are again Germany (38.1%) and France (36.8%).
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