


COP21 Banner (Source: http://www.ambafrance-pe.org)
Reducing Gaz Emission US
(Source: http://www.10waystosavetheworld.net)
USPA NEWS - Laurent Fabius French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and COP 21's chairman, announced the publication of the USA about their contribution to the future COP21. The ambitious objective of the USA, is to reduce emission by 28% by 2025, as a first step, and then in a long-term goal by 80% or more by 2050.
US Flag and Wind Turbine
Source: www.switchboard.org
LAURENT FABIUS ANNOUNCED THE US GREEN CONTRIBUTION IN ADVANCE OF COP21------------------------- Laurent Fabius French Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is also the Chairman of the Paris (21st) Climate Change Conference (COP21)announced to be held in December in Paris, said:---------------------------------------"I welcome the publication by the United States for their contributions to the COP21. This contribution supports the goal of reducing US emissions of greenhouse gases by 26% to 28% by 2025 compared to 2005, which was announced at the China-US summit November 12, 2014". The United States government announced its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, i.e., its “Intended Nationally Determined Contribution“ (INDC), in advance of the United Nations Climate Conference to be held in Paris later this year. Here is the following statement from The Nature Conservancy´s Director of International Climate Policy, Duncan Marsh. THE PLAN ANNOUNCED BY THE WHITE HOUSE TO CUT THE NATION'S GREENHOUSE GAZ EMISSIONS BY 28% BY 2025-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------“¨“¨"The plan, announced by the White House, is to cut the nation´s greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28% (compared to 2005 levels) by 2025. The U.S. INDC is an early entry in the pledges to action that are expected from all nations prior to the negotiation in Paris in December. Collectively, these pledges represent a new era of global cooperation to meet the challenge of climate change.“¨------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logo The Natural Conservancy
Source: www.nature.org
AMBITIOUS OBJECTIVE OF REDUCING EMISSION BY 80% BY 2050---------------------------------------------------------- The President of the COP21, M Fabius also added: This objective supports the US commitment under the presidency of Barack Obama, in the fight against climate change. It is in the context of a more ambitious long-term goal of reducing emissions by 80% or more by 2050. After Switzerland, the European Union, Norway and Mexico, the contribution of the United States, the second largest emitter in the world, represents a new step in the preparation of the COP21 in Paris. I encourage all countries to publish as soon as possible their national contributions in accordance with the decision taken at the COP19 in Warsaw and confirmed at the COP20 in Lima. Source: Ministry of French Foreign Affairs, www.diplomatie.gouvfr, The Nature Conservancy*, www.nature.org For more information see: www.diplomatie.gouvfr, www.nature.org *The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. The Conservancy and its more than 1 million members have protected nearly 120 million acres worldwide. Visit The Nature Conservancy on the Web at www.nature.org

more information: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr

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