


Stop Pedophilia (Source: www.wikimedia.org)
French National Education Ministry
(Source: www.education.gouv.fr)
USPA NEWS - The Education Minister Najat Vallaud Belkacem said yesterday that now "revoked for life" the director pedophile director of the school of Villefontaine. We take "subject to grips". This statement came just before being released by the press signaled the other proven cases in two other public schools
Najat Vallaud Belkacem Minister of Education
Source: www.gouvernement.fr
The discovery of these new confirmed cases in French public schools, are here reassuring to prevent harm in the future, but French press suggests that "other cases" were revealed suddenly, following these "recidivist pedophiles" activity already been sentenced in the past. Is there any more cases somewhere, in the French public schools ? As that it has been told by one of Academy Inspection that the pedopile are not detected hat does not refer to the criminal record of all teachers in their recruitment unless new or trainee, checked under "systematic procedure" . (See article http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3729/after-villefontaine-scandal-new-pedophilia-cases-at-other-public-french-schools.html)------------------------------------------- EDUCATION IS A PILLAR OF FRENCH INSTITUTIONS TAINTED BY THESE DRAMAS AFFECTING STUDENTS MINORS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These cases of pedophilia tarnish Education, one of the strong pillars of French institutions, which the French are attached. The disappointment and anger is all the stronger and understandable that parents are both shocked and angry that their confidence in the "public school is now tarnished". In fact what shocks the public and parents now falls the suspicion, because it is of recurrence, despite the reactions a posteriori, by "revoking for good" the principal pedophile, 7 years after his conviction. Source : AFP, Dauphine, BFM TV Channel (See article 1 http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3687/a-recidivist-pedophile-director-of-primary-school-stopped-by-police-in-france.html).------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logo Trade Union of Magistrate
Source: www.wikimedia.org
TWO MINISTRIES OF JUSTICE AND NATIONAL EDUCATION ARE BOTH REFERRED : THEY EXPLAIN----------- The Minister of National Education Najat Vallaud Belkacem said yesterday that now "the director revoked for life pedophile director of the school of Villefontaine. This statement came just before being released by the press of other signaling proven cases in two other public schools. She added "We conducted an administrative investigation that aims to shed light on the shortcomings of our system, and to correct its dysfunctions. No child should be in contact with a sexual predator, that's obvious. "Parents can be reassured and rely on me, the school is a sanctuary, you can count on us to guarantee", added the Minister.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes it is a clearly a posteriori and especially more welcomed a priori. Social networks in France raged about this matter that concerns indirectly "all parents" because it would have required revoke the pedophile before he relapse since his criminal record. The minister of Education recalled that the first conviction occurred in 2008 (Means" we were not at he government"). Or the second case that has reported at last date of a suspension in February 2015. (A music teacher in Moselle Marly would mails exchanged pedophile nature with minor amounts (see article http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3729/after-villefontaine-scandal-new-pedophilia-cases-at-other-public-french-schools.html)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On the Ministry of Justice side the general secretary of the USM (Union Syndicale Des Magistrats) explained that the circular reporting to national education or the employer is not required by law. and "Justice has no policy to cast aspersions on anyone," she continues. In accordance with French law, since 1997, the "Circular Royal" (Ségolène Royal was Minister of Education) requires all school staff to bring to the attention of the justice of the facts of pedophile kind.------------------------------------------ The justice minister said his side today (interviewed by Jeremy Brossard BFMTV channel just after questions session, from the government to the National Assembly). "I am deeply troubled by this tragedy. These are extremely painful drama. If there are facts, they must be reported. It is not acceptable for children to be exposed to adult that undermine their dignity and hurt them. I am deeply hurt for what will hurt those children, in their future who were injured and for how long it will last ? It pains me deeply, I think of the children when once they will grown up later, and the teacher's associations, the parents and teachers to help children to get rid of that dirt for which they have no responsibility and they are innocent about what a burden. I recall that the 2001 circular should be applied in 2006 and 2008 ". Sources: BFM TV, LCP TV, AFP, For more information see www.education.gouv.fr----------------------------------

more information: https://www.education.gouv.fr

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