


Photo Logo National School of Judicature (Source: www.unidesep.fr)
Photo Logo National School Judicature
(Source: www.wikimedia.org)
USPA NEWS - After the attacks of 7 January against Charlie Hebdo, kosher supermarket Porte de Vincennes and Montrouge, Justice decided to punish all expressions strongly involving racism, anti-Semitism, or the apology of terrorism.
Christiane Taubira Minister of Justice
Source: C. Taubira
THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE TAKES, TOUGH MEASURES OF FIGHTING AGAINST TERRORISM-------------------- The minister of Justice, Mrs Taubira, has reacted quickly and firmly to slow or even stop crimes related to terrorism in prisons and outside. Here she is, Mrs Taubira renowned to be a woman of conviction and character who is at the helm of the balance of justice, requiring more than ever firmness and tact at a time.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “¨The Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira organized a meeting conference around 200 anti-terrorist referents magistrates of the Courts at the National School of Judicature of Paris, last Friday. She also sent a circular to prosecutors to ask them to be intractable from now on, following the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris. Moreover, for a week, there have been more than 60 proceedings for such facts, many of which have ended in prison sentences, whether the remarks were made in the street or on the internet.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Minister today responds at the National Assembly, to the opposition critics, explaining that "since the attacks of 7 January the Court Anti terrorist is working hard 24h / 24". In fact, five out of the nine in custody were released after being questioned at the Hotel de Police of Levallois Perret. (They were identified to be close acquaintances of the “Kouachi“ brothers, perpetrators of the terrorist attacks of 7 January).
CHRISTIANE TAUBIRA A WOMAN OF BELIEF AND TACT----------------------------------------------------------------------- Christiane Taubira, has launched in 2012 - Just after her nomination as a minister of justice - a process of penal policy and more offensive to respond promptly to racist, anti semitic and xenophobia. She herself has been the subject of racist attacks by a representative of the party National Front. This attacker was condemned and tried for racist attacks and was expelled from his political party. Christiane Taubira is now very well renowned in France, due to the law that bears her name and the context of the law being voted last year. The law is about "surrogate mother" and the "Marriage for All." She became more than famous, in her eloquent speech at the legendary National Assembly on 23 January 2013, to defend "Marriage for All" law. The law No. 2013-404 was adopted in May 2013 after vote at Chamber of Deputies. Another law bearing Taubira name shall enter into strength as share of the reform of Justice. (Law 2014-896 of 15 August 2014 on the individualisation of Penalties and Strengthening the Effectiveness of Criminal Sanctions).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christiane Taubira remained reckless by her strong temperament that characterizes her, the countless adversities and popular events jollities "Against the law of marriage for all", in protestation by thousands. She managed to win against conservatism exacerbated by a portion of the French population, long before the terrorist attacks of 7 January in Paris.---------------------------- THE JUSTICE MINISTRY WITH MORE MEANS TO FIGHT THE RADICALISATION IN PRISON There is one anti-terrorist section of the Paris Court that includes 167 judges, anti-terrorist referents through the French territory (One in every High Court).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French Ministry of Justice is very concerned about the radicalization of prisoners during their stay in penitentiary regardless of their crimes. It was found that all the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks in Paris share a prison passage. This is why "the Department of Justice is actively involved in the interdepartmental plan anti terrorist struggle on the national territory." -----------------------------------------------------------------------RACISM, ANTI SEMITISM AND ISLAMOPHOBIA WILL BE HEAVILY SANCTIONED BY JUSTICE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The circular sent by the Minister of Justice from 12 January (By the day after the Republican march in Paris, see article) to court, asking that public actions have to be "highly responsive" to the authors of place or "racist" nature of actions or "anti-Semitic" or "tending to cause hateful, violent, discriminatory," and those "to the security forces" and those that "apology for terrorism". The circular is very clear and "encourages a systematic penal response, tailored and individualized to each of these acts, including when they are made in custody.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information see www.justice.gouv.fr

more information: https://www.justice.gouv.fr

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