

Political Side

Cover article
Dr Anmar Nazar Al-Druby   
USPA NEWS - Dr Anmar Nazar Al-Druby   

On the political side, the policy of absenting youth and their oppression by the ruling authorities, limitation their ambitions and not allowing them to express their will and solve their problems. The lack of democratic dialogue with this age group, specifically religious youth, was and still is one of the main reasons for the expansion of the activity of the political Islam movement in its various groups among the youth and the growth of extremism in its practices and thus causes a clash between Islamic groups and between authority and society.
In the same context, the lack of religious culture in educational curricula from the primary stage to the university stage in most Islamic countries is one of the important causes and factors for spreading the phenomenon of violence and extremism. As these curricula cannot qualify an educated generation from the Islamic point of view who knows the correct principles of religion. , Which is the minimum of Islamic culture.

Ignorance of the principles of the Islamic religion has increased by the absence of clerics and their dynamic role in addressing issues that are facing the society, including the issue of terrorism and extremism. Young people used to look at those religious figures as an ideal example, due to the transformation of many of these religious figures in the eyes of youth and society, into a mere class of interests, or as they are called (the Sultan's jurists), after some jurists went far in their support for the authority in cases of right and wrong, and the interpretation of religious texts in accordance with the desire of the rulers and the influential elites.
As for the economic causes, with their accumulating and successive dangers, they are among the main factors in the spread of the phenomenon of terrorist violence. For example, but not limited to, the spread of unemployment in the society is a catastrophic disease.  Any society in which unemployment of too high level, the number of unemployed increases, job opportunities decrease, generates hatred and dissatisfaction against the country in general which in turn generates a negative feeling towards society, and its effects include the individual's lack of belonging to his country and the rejection of the feeling of national responsibility.
Therefor an individual has a feeling of revenge, and then he opens doors of danger such as, the abuse of terrorism, crime, drugs, assault, theft and other negative social phenomena. Thus, groups that suffer from poverty and social deprivation are exploited by organizations and groups inside and outside the country to achieve their own goals, including terrorist organizations to attract youth, especially in the Islamic world, through religious speech and bright promises to enter heaven.

The exploitation of poverty and social and political deprivation was not limited to Islamic countries, but Europe also witnessed in many periods of the twentieth century the tendency of young people to join terrorist organizations in Europe. Therefore, terrorist waves with left and right Approaches appeared in a number of European countries.
In the current circumstances and after the spread of terrorism in the name of religion in the region of the Middle East, we notice that citizens of most European countries joined the jihadist organizations. As statistics, confirm that more than 6 thousand Europeans, who did not suffer from poverty and unemployment, joined terrorist groups to fight in Syria and Iraq. Because most of them lived a luxurious life in their countries, they joined those organisations for various reasons, including the love of difference and distinction, or a reaction to a complexes they suffer from or that they are  rejected from within their societies and other reasons.
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