


Address of President Macron on Tf1 TV (Source: Elysee)
EU Flag
(Source: European Union)
USPA NEWS - French President Emmanuel Macron delivered remarks, on the Prime TV, (On Tf1 TV Channel), on Monday June 15, Emmanuel Macron made a solemnel statement, during 20 minutes, announced the reopening of restaurants and cafes, from June 15 in Paris (and Ile de France Region) and the mandatory presence in nursing schools, schools and high schools from June 22, as second set of lifting the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak.
The President Macron, of the French Republic highlighted the lessons that « we could draw for the future, in particular the need to regain control of our collective destiny, whether local, national or European. This will be a priority for the next two years, a course and a goal for the decade. »"This economic, ecological and united reconstruction will be the key to our independence. It will be prepared throughout the summer with the living forces of our Nation to be implemented as soon as possible." President Macron acknowledged. «It does not mean that the virus is gone. We will have to live with it (COVID-19) for a long time, respect the rules of physical distanciation, watch over the evolution of the epidemic to prepare us in case it comes back with more force.
Public Health Protocol for restaurants
Source: Hotellerie Restaurants
French President Emmanuel Macron delivered remarks, on the Prime TV, (On Tf1 TV Channel), on Monday June 15, Emmanuel Macron made a solemnel statement, during 20 minutes, announced the reopening of restaurants and cafes, from June 15 in Paris (and Ile de France Region) and the mandatory presence in nursing schools, schools and high schools from June 22, as second set of lifting the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak. The President Macron, of the French Republic highlighted the lessons that « we could draw for the future, in particular the need to regain control of our collective destiny, whether local, national or European. This will be a priority for the next two years, a course and a goal for the decade. »"This economic, ecological and united reconstruction will be the key to our independence. It will be prepared throughout the summer with the living forces of our Nation to be implemented as soon as possible." President Macron acknowledged. «It does not mean that the virus is gone. We will have to live with it (COVID-19) for a long time, respect the rules of physical distanciation, watch over the evolution of the epidemic to prepare us in case it comes back with more force. » President Macron stated. The French Head of State recalled the historic French-German, partnership, that a obtained, 500 billions of euros to stop the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure stability and better the European unity. This amount is a fund backed by borrowing, to be transferred onto grants to the European Countries the most impacted by the social and economic hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The president Macron also unveiled the ability to travel within the European Union from June 15, and in countries outside the Schengen area, where the epidemic is under control, from July 1.
Reopening Cafes Restaurants
Source: LeCommerce>fr.
FULL TEXT OF THE REMARKS OF THE FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON ON JUNE 15------------------------------------ « French, My dear compatriots, Tonight I want to talk to you about the coming days, about our organization in the face of the epidemic, learn the first lessons from this crisis, and outline our new path. From tomorrow, we will be able to turn the page on the first act, in a way, of the crisis we just went through » President Macron introduced. « As of tomorrow, the whole territory - with the exception of Mayotte and Guyana where the virus is still actively circulating - the whole territory will therefore pass into what is now agreed to be called the "green zone", which will allow in particular a stronger resumption of work, and the reopening of cafes and restaurants in ÃŽle-de-France. From tomorrow, it will again be possible to travel between European countries. And from July 1, we will be able to travel to states outside of Europe where the epidemic is under control. As of tomorrow, in France and overseas, crèches, schools and colleges will prepare to welcome all pupils from 22 June, on a compulsory basis and according to the rules of normal attendance. » President Macron highlighted. We must continue to avoid gatherings as much as possible because we know that they are the main opportunities for the spread of the virus: they will therefore remain closely supervised." President Macron warned.
Mayoral Elections 2020 logo
Source: Mayoral Elections 2020
«2nd ROUND OF MAYORAL ELECTIONS WILL TAKE PLACE ON JUNE 28 » PRESIDENT MACRON CONFIRMED The French President confirmed the date of the second round of municipal elections, te be held on June 28 « The second round of municipal elections may take place in the municipalities concerned on June 28. Finally, for our seniors in retirement homes or institutions, visits must now be authorized. » « We will therefore be able to rediscover the pleasure of being together, to resume work fully but also to have fun, to cultivate ourselves. We are going to rediscover part of our art of living, our taste for freedom. In short, we are going to find France fully. This does not mean that the virus is gone and that we can completely lower our guard. We will have to live with him for a long time, respect the rules of physical distance, summer 2020 will not be a summer like any other, and we will have to watch over the evolution of the epidemic to prepare ourselves in case it would come back with more force. » The French President Macron assured when it comes to the easing of the lockdown, over the COVID-19 outbreak. « The fight against the epidemic is not over, but I am happy with you to take this first victory against the virus. And tonight I want to think with emotion of our dead, their families, whose mourning has been made even more cruel because of the constraints of this period. Closing the moment that started with confinement today was not obvious. If we can reopen the country, it is because at each stage of the epidemic everyone has played their part. The Prime Minister and the Government worked hard, the Parliament met, the State held, the elected officials on the ground got involved. » President Macron added. PRESIDENT MACRON PRAISED THE ONES WHO CONTINUED WORKING DURING THE LOCKDOWN-------------- « On March 16, we made the humanist choice to put health above the economy by asking you to stay at home. You then displayed an admirable sense of responsibility. And thanks to the exceptional commitment of our caregivers and all the teams, all the patients who needed it were able to be taken care of in hospital or in city medicine. Thanks to all of you who have continued to work, despite the anguish often, to provide essential services to the Nation, we have been able to feed ourselves and continue to live. » President Macron praised the workers who continued to be on front-lines during the lockdown, that was eased from May 11th. When, on April 13, I announced that you would end containment from May 11 - I know many people advised against it, there was no consensus, opinions were very different, including among scientists - but we collectively and methodically prepared what has been called deconfinement. Again, everyone worked very hard, we overcame the fears, the anxieties. And you came out again and went back to work. We did well. Our factories, our businesses, our businesses have been able to restart. » President Macron added.
Logo Lockdown
Source: Dkatribute
« NEW STAGE OF LOCKDOWN ENDING WILL ACCELERATE THE RECOVERY » PRESIDENT MACRON STATED « The new stage which opens from tomorrow will accelerate the recovery. It is necessary and there too I count on you. Because we have to get our economy back on track by continuing to protect the most vulnerable. We do not have to blush my dear compatriots for our record. Tens of thousands of lives have been saved by our choices, by our actions. In a few days, we have been able to double our resuscitation capacities, organize transfers of hundreds of patients between regions and with neighboring countries, supply stores, reorient our industrial production, invent new forms of solidarity. The period showed that we had the spring, the resource. That, faced with a virus that struck us earlier and harder than many others, we were able to be inventive, reactive, solid. » President Macron said, To be continued in next article 2 " Remarks of French President macron on June 15, Address on TV Tf1)
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