


Jerome Salomon General Director Min Health (Source: TV Caption BFM)
(Source: Wikimedia)
USPA NEWS - The COVID-19 epidemic has surpassed the 100 000 death, worldwide, an infected more than 1,237,000 people in 181 countries around the world. We are now exceeding the 100,000 death mark worldwide due to the COVID-19. This Saturday, April 11, the COVID-19 affects 1,715,143 confirmed cases and killed a total of 103,796 people worldwide. As the Coronavirus epidemic spreads worldwide and the number of people infected continues to increase, WHO fears a "deadly resurgence" of the pandemic in the event of hasty lockdown ending.In France, the COVID-19 outbreak, caused 13,832 deaths, though the number of intensive care patients slows down for the 3rd consecutive day, among the 67, 300 total hospitalizations. Among the deaths, 8943 have been recorded since March 1 in hospitals. (Updated on April 5 at 2:35 pm) These figures do not take into account deaths from COVID-19, at home, nor those of disabled people who died in specialized centers. We apologize for having published figures since the start of the epidemic, without seeing any mention of these fatalities, as they are unavailable from French health authorities.
Pandemic Update April 11l
Source: abcnews
The USA, is the country most affected in the world, by the morbid death toll due to COVID-19, according to, US CDC, with figures, very alarming, with 501,000 people infected and 18,860 dead. According to the latest assessment, Italy, it, reports 18,849 people dead. Bill de Blasio, the Mayor of New York, which is the city most affected by COVID-19, announced that the schools will be closed until the end of the school year, in late June. In France, the COVID-19 outbreak, caused 13,832 deaths, though the number of intensive care patients slows down for the 3rd consecutive day, among the 67, 300 total hospitalizations. Among the deaths, 8943 have been recorded since March 1 in hospitals. It is a "A very high epidemic plateau seems to take shape", again underlined Jerome Salomon this evening (Saturday), about the 3 consecutive days of hospitalizations in intensive care, but that does not necessarily correspond already to the famous peak of the curve. On the other hand, this decrease in hospitalizations in ICU, does not take into account the figures concerning the Centers of Handicapped People, or the Nursing home, or alas, the patients die on the spot, without going through the step of resuscitation in hospital.
Curve COVID 19 France11April
Source: science et avenir
FOR THE 3RD DAY THE CURVE OF HOSPITALISATION IN ICU FLATTEN----------------------------------------------------- In France, As of April 11, the toll is heavy hits 13,832 died due to COVID-19 The epidemic has reached an unequaled level in France with 93,790 confirmed, or 3,114 more than yesterday, indicates Jerome Salomon. There are 67,300 hospitalizations in France. More than 33,000 people are hospitalized. 2044 new patients entered the hospital. There are 255 new patients who have been admitted to intensive care for 24 hours. The balance is 121 fewer patients in intensive care units. It is the third day in a row that this number has dropped.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition 4889 deaths (290 more than yesterday) were recorded and 353 additional deaths were recorded in hospitals These figures were announced as every evening, on TV press brieff at 7: pm, by Jerome Salomon, The Director General , from the Ministry of Health .  (Updated on April 11 at 8:35 pm) These figures do not take into account deaths from COVID-19, at home, or those of disabled people who died in specialized centers. We apologize for having published figures since the start of the epidemic, without seeing any mention of these fatalities, as they are unavailable from French health authorities.
Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carrier
Source: wikimedia
50 SOLDIERS OF CHARLES-DE-GAULLE AIRCRAFT CARRIER AT TOULON ARE INFECTED BY COVID-19-------- The French nuclear aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle, on which 50 sailors have tested positive for coronavirus, will arrive in Toulon on Sunday and will be able to start the quarantine of personnel, the Ministry of the Armed Forces said on Saturday. The building, which crossed into the Atlantic, is expected "in the afternoon" on Sunday, according to a statement from the ministry. The crews of the aircraft carrier, the on-board air group - helicopters, Hawkeye and Rafale surveillance planes - and the frigate Chevalier Paul who accompanies them, will be confined for 14 days "in military enclosures before reaching their homes". The Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, explains "French troops can increase their power in helping carers." You have to be inventive and creative. We have the will to do more "," We can have ideas but it is also necessary that the State services and others express their needs ". Said Friday Florence Parly, during a hearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee and Senate Defense, all of which have been published.
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