


Big Data Logo (Source: Ovh)
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(Source: MemoCloud )
USPA NEWS - MemoCloud allows one to combat the disinclination of one's financial products, to safeguard and transmit important information about their assets to their loved ones, as well as individual messages to their friends and family. The paid version, enables the ability to manage information's breakdown
Money logo
Source: Amazon
Who has never encountered difficulties in remembering contents, their location or the way it is accessed? Who has never bothered to see himself steal, or even worse, to know it lost at the moment of transmitting it? With the digital age, much has been simplified, especially in terms of processing, or dissemination of data. The growth of Big Data and the number of cyber attacks on digital actors do not really reassure us about the sustainability of our very private lives. Moreover, the multiplication of financial sub-contracts (white label ) means that many financial products are not contracted with your bank but with its partners. In this case, which concerns most investments, your bank does not have the right to inspect products subscribed to it. In the event of death, or simply forgetting, asset accounts are dormant, ie unclaimed. A phenomenon of an amount that is estimated in France in 2015 to 5.4 billion euros according to a report of the ACPR. MONEY CAN BE STOLEN THROUGH HACKING ACCOUNTS UP TO 3,7 Bn € "FOUND" BACK-------------------------- On January 1, 2017, a year after the entry into force of the Eckert law relating to the census of these accounts, more than 3.7 billion were "found". If the money is now listed, the owners are not wanted. MemoCloud is a free digital safe that allows you to store encrypted all types of confidential digital documents. From your passwords to your banking details, with MemoCloud all your data is protected and remain safe. In its paid version, MemoCloud gives you the ability to manage the breakdown of this information in case of disability or death and ensures your good health at the rate you set. MemoCloud allows you to combat the disinclination of your financial products, to safeguard and transmit important information about your assets to your loved ones, as well as individual messages to your friends and family. MEMO CLOUDS MEETS THE FOLLOWING NEEDS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “¢ manage dematerialized information; “¢ manage multiple access codes, with complex and changing passwords; “¢ store this information in a safe place; “¢ transmitting this information to different people if something happens to me: disability or death.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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