
The Dirty File of the generals of corruption in Iraq who seized the city of

(Sinbad Land) by force of arms: Episode1

Cover Thread
Anmar Aldruby
In the beginning I am here not to defend a particular person or direct charges to another meantime there is no relationship already with any personal heroes of this incident,but I will announce and explain the details of the but I will announce and explain the details of the opinion and the Iraqis
On the looting and theft accompanied by criminality which happen nowadays in the Republic of fraud In addition to this all TV Channels do not fall short of broadcasting their scandals. !! In the first episode of this file, which represents a large and thorny issues in Iraq, where those who still conduct this farce remain the same names and well-known personalities
specifically in projects and contracts issues. Certainly it is too few to call those tyrants as being generals of corruption in Iraq !!!
And how this country is being governed by criminal figures and political leaders in every sense of the word gangster !!! What are the tactics of these leaders to exploit their functional office and to what extent are they mocking at these laws and indifference of government decisions, in addition to collaborating with the criminal gangs and militias in achieving all their criminal projects and by force of arms !!
I will not go in this episode about the names, but I will talk about the project of (Sinbad Land)city in question, and by,God willing, I'll mention and expose the names and in figures in the coming episodes of everyone who planned and participated and issued arbitrary orders against those in charge of this work, and how they extorted the management of the project ,and with more explicitly how those corrupts tried to steel the investor through their audacity by which they enjoy?? plus how they touch on the issue of the prosecution of the owners of the company who supervise this project through a filthy terrorist way !!! Those are the heroes of the big issue of corruption in the project of Sinbad Land City who seized it by gangs and expelled
And threatened the owners and their employees by force of arms !!! The name and title may be strange to few insiders !! Some ,who may not have some knowledge,may wonder:What is Sinbad Land City??
It is true that the title is strange name, but the place is known, and has great reputation with us ,we the Iraqis, , it is the city of famous games, which is located in the province of Baghdad, on the road to military canal . There is none of Iraqis who ever has not visited and enjoyed this wonderful park, which includes electronic games and some of the restaurants, where the city of “‹“‹games was and still no less famous than edifice or famous museum or monument in Baghdad and even in Iraq due to its symbol to the Iraq citizen,
specifically the Iraqi family. After 2003 this city was exposed like the rest of the infrastructure in Iraq to the damage in the majority of its facilities as well as its appliances and electronic games with breakdowns due to the aging of these equipment,
Thus the city of games has become in need to be integrated and maintenance for all facilities. One of the Iraqi investors could obtain a contract to hold ownership of the city according to the laws in place in the Iraqi Investment Authority and their legal and legitimate .
means which match the regulations and instructions.The investor, whose name will be touched next episode, tried hard to bring life to this stricken city, and renamed it to the city of Sinbad Land, especially that he took advantage of all of his material and technical capabilities in the repair of faulty equipment, and even went so far as, where he imported the best and the newest types of electronic devices and developed games, in addition to that, this investor was in the process of establishing a great wonderful water city, according to plans presented by him to the investment Authority,in an attempt to make this project reach the best developed countries and keep pace with global developments for the service of the Iraqi citizen,
And the Iraqi family which have long dreamed of spending times of joy and happiness away from the tragedies of the state and its dire situation.Dear reader,here we finish the first episode, and will be acquainted in the next episode with how generals of corrupts acted with the investor and what criminal steps they have perpetuated ?? !!!

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