
The development of renewable energies and widespread access to water

Moroccan Key intiatives since the COP22

HM Mohammed VI King of Morooco COP22 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Africa Renewable Energies Summit
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Africa, which is particularly vulnerable to the effects of global warming, lacks the basic infrastructure necessary for sustainable economic and energy development. In Africa, nine out of ten (94%) millennials consider making renewable energies the first source of energy used in Africa, a priority.
Mustapha Mokass, Hakima El Haite, Prince of Monaco
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
The African continent, which is particularly vulnerable to the effects of global warming, lacks the basic infrastructure necessary for sustainable economic and energy development. In Africa, nine out of ten (94%) millennials consider making renewable energies the first source of energy used in Africa a priority. Morocco has also embarked on projects that will allow it to increase the share of renewable energies to 42% and improve energy efficiency by 12% by 2020. By 2030, the share of electricity generated by renewable energies should be 52%. For 92% of African millennials, the fight for climate also requires access to clean water for consumption. The launch of "Water for Africa" at the international conference on water and climate - held on 11 and 12 July in Rabat - is a first step in this direction. It draws attention to the need and real commitment of the African community to respond to the urgency of the problems posed by water on the continent and their relationship with climate change.- SECURING FINANCING TO ENSURE THE FUTURE MILLENNIALS------------------------------------------------------------ Neither the spread of renewable energies nor clean water for consumption is possible without financing. The latter is one of the key elements of the energy transition. The Paris Agreement thus recognizes that $100 billion (in loans and grants) per year will have to be devoted, by 2020, to projects allowing countries to adapt to the effects of climate change or to diminish greenhouse gas emissions. These funds are expected to increase gradually and some developing countries, on a voluntary basis, may also become donors to assist the most vulnerable countries.----------------------------------------------------------------- During COP22, developed and developing countries launched a new partnership under the Paris Agreement: the NDC Partnership. This NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) partnership is a new coalition of countries and international institutions mobilised to ensure that countries receive the technical and financial support they need to achieve their climate objectives and sustainable development goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.-------------------------------------------------- At the closing press conference of COP22, Salaheddine Mezouar stressed that "the dynamics of Marrakech and the work we will do in 2017 will allow the financing to become more fluid" and then added that "The Marrakech Declaration" was unanimously adopted and the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and other African heads of state will accelerate the implementation of these projects in order to alleviate the continent's transformation difficulties. Africa must move quickly."

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