
Governments must take action because Africa only produce 4% of GHG

Explains Salaheddine Mezouar

Salaheddine Mezouar Presidnet of COP22 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Africa Public Private Energy
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Salaheddine Mezouar welcomed the fact that COP22 was marked by "three very important political moments: holding the first meeting of the Parties of the Paris Agreement (CMA1), the summit of leaders on 15 November, & that of African countries the next day" in leading the fight against climate change
COP22 Banner
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
GOVERNMENTS MMUST TAKE ACTION BECAUSE AFRICA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONLY ON 4% OF THE GREEN HOUSE GAZ EMISSIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 76% of African millennials, it is the governments that must first of all act against global warming, but more than half (53%) criticise them for not doing enough. Alternatives are therefore found at a supranational level through the efforts of the African Union (for 75% of them) and more generally by international organisations (73%), and at a subnational level thanks to private actors (69%) and non-governmental organisations (68%).-------------------------------------------------------------------- In this regard, Salaheddine Mezouar welcomed the fact that COP22 was marked by "three very important political moments: holding the first meeting of the Parties of the Paris Agreement (CMA1), the summit of leaders on 15 November, and that of African countries the next day" in leading the fight against climate change. Aware that no single country can fight alone against global warming, and that Africa, responsible for only 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, is the continent most affected by the consequences, on 16 November during COP22, Morocco organised the first African summit of action to promote continental cooperation. During this, African states reaffirmed their commitment to work collectively for an African continent resilient to climate change, and stated their ambition to build an inclusive and sustainable development model that safeguards the interests of future generations. They consolidated their commitments to tackle the effects of climate change and accelerate the implementation of initiatives already identified or launched, based on their resources, and also through mobilising companies and non-state actors.

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